
Combine our Intensive General English course with sports lessons.

Duration: 1 to 17 weeks (depending on visa)

Course Start Dates: You can start any of our Intensive General English program any Monday.
Excluding public holidays and school closure periods (click here)


  • Open to students on a Working Holiday or Visitor visa only
  • Age: 16 and over
  • English Plus Sports courses are offered at BROWNS Gold Coast Campus only
    • Areas:

    • Surfing – includes two one-hour surfing lessons per week at Australia’s No. 1 Surf School, with surfboard, rash vest and wetsuit use included.
    • Tennis – includes two one-hour tennis lessons per week with a professional tennis coach, with tennis racquet, tennis balls and course use included.
    • Golf – includes two 30 minute golf lessons with a PGA golf professional and two 30 minute driving range practice each week with golf clubs and golf balls use included.
    • Scuba-Diving (PADI) – includes scuba-diving theory lesson, PADI exam and four ocean dives over one weekend, with diving equipment and wetsuit use included. Other requirements may apply.
    • Yoga – includes two one-hour yoga sessions per week with a professional yoga instructor. Yoga mat, strap and block use included.


This popular course combines our Intensive General English program with two (one-hour) surf lessons per week at the Cheyne Horan School of Surf (Australia’s No.1 Surf School) in Surfers Paradise.

Entry Requirements: From Beginner to Advanced (English Level and Surfing Level)

Age: 16 and over

Sample Timetable*

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.40 – 9.40 Coursebook-based Class - Revision Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
9.45 – 10.45 Coursebook-based Class - Revision Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
11.05 – 12.05 Coursebook-based Class - Test answers 14:00 start
Surf Lesson
Active8 Writing 14:00 start
Surf Lesson
Active8 Speaking
12.10 – 13.10 Active8 Pronunciation Surf Lesson Active8 Writing Surf Lesson Active8 Listening
13.30 – 14.30 Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate

For your first surf lesson, a driver will take you from BROWNS to Cheyne Horan School of Surf (Surfers Paradise).
Please note: you will need to take the bus/tram to Cheyne Horan School of Surf after the first surf lesson (transport fare will need to be paid by you).

All surf lessons are conducted by accredited professional surfing coaches from 'Surfing Australia'. Surf lessons include: surfboards, bodyboards, wetsuits, rash vests and evaluation reports. Students who successfully complete this course will be awarded with a Surfing Certificate from the Cheyne Horan School of Surfing (Australia’s No.1 Surf School) and a Statement of Achievement from BROWNS.

*Sample Timetable to be used as a guide only. Subject to change without notice.


This popular course combines our Intensive General English program with two (one-hour) Tennis lessons per week at the Queens Park Tennis Courts in Southport.

Entry Requirements: From Beginner to Advanced (English Level and Tennis Level)

Age: 16 and over

Sample Timetable*

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.40 – 9.40 Coursebook-based Class - Revision Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
9.45 – 10.45 Coursebook-based Class - Revision Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
11.05 – 12.05 Coursebook-based Class - Test answers 14:30 start
Tennis Lesson
Active8 Writing 14:30 start
Tennis Lesson
Active8 Speaking
12.10 – 13.10 Active8 Pronunciation Tennis Lesson Active8 Writing Tennis Lesson Active8 Listening
13.30 – 14.30 Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate

Students need to change into their tennis gear and walk to Queens Park Tennis Courts, leaving BROWNS at 1:45pm (the tennis courts are an 8 minute walk from BROWNS Gold Coast Campus)

Students who successfully complete this course are also awarded with a Tennis Certificate from the Tennis Australia.

*Sample Timetable to be used as a guide only. Subject to change without notice.


This popular course combines our Intensive General English program with two (30 minute) golf lessons and two (30 minute) driving range practice each week at the Southport Golf Club.

Entry Requirements: From Beginner to Advanced (English Level and Golf Level)

Age: 16 and over

Sample Timetable*

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.40 – 9.40 Coursebook-based Class - Revision Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
9.45 – 10.45 Coursebook-based Class - Revision Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
11.05 – 12.05 Coursebook-based Class - Test answers Active8 Vocabulary & Reading Active8 Writing 14:30 start
Golf Lesson
14:30 start
Golf Lesson
12.10 – 13.10 Active8 Pronunciation Active8 Vocabulary & Reading Active8 Writing Golf Lesson Golf Lesson
13.30 – 14.30 Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate

For your first Golf lesson a driver will drive you from BROWNS to the Southport Golf Club. You will need to change into your golf attire (collared shirt and proper golf shoes) and be ready to leave BROWNS at 1:45pm.
Please note: you will need to take the bus to the Southport Golf Club after the first golf lesson (bus fare will need to be paid by you).

Our Golf Instructors are all fully accredited professional golfers with the PGA. Golf lessons include: driving range balls and swing analysis reports. Students who successfully complete this course are awarded with a Golf Certificate from the Southport Golf Club and a Statement of Achievement from BROWNS.

*Sample Timetable to be used as a guide only. Subject to change without notice.

Scuba Diving

This popular course combines our Intensive General English program with scuba-diving theory lesson, PADI exam and four ocean dives completed over a weekend (Friday - Sunday) only, weather permitting for the open dives. During summer more frequently, weather permitting. .

Entry Requirements: From Elementary to Advanced (English proficiency)

Age: 16 and over

Sample Timetable*

Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.40 – 9.40 Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
9.45 – 10.45 Revision Quiz Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
11.05 – 12.05 Coursebook-based Class (Feedback) Active8 Vocabulary Active8 Writing Active8 Grammar Active8 Speaking
12.10 – 14.30 Active8 Pronunciation Active8 Reading Active8 Writing Active8 Functional Active8 Listening
11.10 – 12.10 Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate

Scuba-Diving Lessons

5hrs e-learning + exam
3 hours x 3 sessions

  • Session 1 – Closed Dive 1,2,3 in a pool
  • Session 2 – Closed Dive 4,5 Wave Break Island. Open Dive 1 Wave Break Island
  • Session 3 – Open Dive 2,3,4 Wave Break Island
  • Please note: you will need to make your own way to Aqua Adventures in Southport (any transport costs to be covered by the student).

    All scuba-diving lessons (theory and practical) and open-water dives are supervised by experienced and registered instructors with proven safety records. Students who successfully complete this course are awarded with a BROWNS Certificate of English and a PADI Open Water Scuba Diving Certificate from Aqua Adventures.

    *Sample Timetable to be used as a guide only. Subject to change without notice.


    This popular course combines our Intensive General English program with two (one-hour) yoga session per week at Shanti Yoga in Southport. .

    Entry Requirements: From Beginner to Advanced (English proficiency)

    Age: 16 and over

    Available yoga booking dates:

    • [2024] Monday 8 July to Friday 13 September (1-10 weeks)
    • [2024] Monday 30 September to Friday 13 December (1-11 weeks)

    • [2025] Tuesday 28 January to Friday 4 April (1-10 weeks)
    • [2025] Tuesday 22 April to Friday 27 June (1-10 weeks)
    • [2025] Monday 14 July to Friday 19 September (1-10 weeks)
    • [2025] Tuesday 7 October to Friday 12 December (1-10 weeks)

    Sample Timetable*

    Time Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    12:10 - 13:10 Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate
    13:20 - 14:20 Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
    14:20 - 15:20 Revision Quiz Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class Coursebook-based Class
    15:35 - 16:35 Coursebook-based Class (Feedback) 17:30 start
    Yoga Lesson
    17:30 start
    Yoga Lesson
    Active8 Grammar Active8 Speaking
    16:35 - 17:35 Active8 Pronunciation Yoga Lesson Yoga Lesson Active8 Functional Active8 Listening

    Yoga sessions include use of a yoga mat, blocks and yoga straps. Students should take a towel to place over the yoga mat.

    *Sample Timetable to be used as a guide only. Subject to change without notice.


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